Tree Survey Report – October, 2016

Construction in the Commons

Special Notice On Tuesday August 30, 2016 construction will begin to eliminate leaks in the dam that separates the two ponds.  The bridge and the area adjacent to the dam will be closed to all.  Construction will take several days. With school still in summer recess...

Reforestation Project

Recently the Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association established an ad hoc Reforestation Committee to develop a plan to “reforest” the Commons. The guiding principles behind the effort are the directives of the Master Plan and the desire to make sure the Commons retains...

Committee Members Wanted

The Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association is in the process of forming an ad hoc committee to develop a manual for future boards to aid the transition for new board members. The manual is to establish duties and responsibilities more detailed than the current bylaws....