The community is manned by volunteers, your neighbors, who dutifully and diligently work to maintain and improve the Commons, to ensure the architectural integrity of the community is preserved, and to undertake the general management obligations of the Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association. 

The Abiqua Heights community is always in need of volunteers.  In 2016 the community saw an influx of volunteers and the accomplishments for the year were dramatic.  As much as was undertaken in 2016 the community could use your help.  There is a desire for community gatherings such as a summer barbecue, but the once active Events Community is not manned.  If there was enough positive energy to have a community “workday” in the Commons it could help the AHHA budget and build community camaraderie.  In 2016 a very small group of volunteers spread barkdust in the Commons and cedar chips in the play area and the community saved close to $2,000.00.  Each task only took a few hours.  If you would like to be involved with time and/or labor in any endeavor please contact the AHHA Board.

The people who volunteered their time, energy, and labor to the community in 2016 are listed below.  If you see any of these people in the neighborhood you might consider thanking them for their service. So many people volunteered in 2016 that we may have omitted a name. If you know of a volunteer that is not listed please let us know.


Carol Anderson
Larry Black
Robyn Bringans
Jack Conner
Greg Ewald
Todd Ferrell
Karen Garst
Marty Hunter
Don Kaminski
Jan Meganck
Rich McGanck
Shelly Nealon
Joan Nelson
David Ortega
Mike Raczkowski
Naseem Rakha
Laurie Rosborough
Mike Schwingel
Bud Steuart
Jean Steuart
David Stewart
Roger Tallman
Larry Tingwall
Margaret Tingwall
Karen Trucke
Wayne Trucke