Amenities Committee
Mission Statement
- To Preserve and enhance the assets of the Abiqua Heights Commons for the enjoyment of all members. Guided by the Master Plan Description… “The overall intent of this plan is to preserve the pastoral, green, open characteristics of the site while introducing opportunities for Abiqua Heights residents to use the site year-round“. (The Master Plan was developed late 2004 during a series of special evening meetings over several months with the entire membership voting on acceptance).
- To evaluate and set priorities for improvements based on the desires of all AHHA members guided by the budget set forth and allocated yearly by the AHHA Board.
- To implement modifications while maintaining the balance of the Commons that respects the desires of all AHHA members.
Policy Procedure for Amenities Committee
- Meet monthly as a Committee or as necessary to achieve timely and successful projects and/or to make assessments of questions or suggestions related to the AHHA Commons.
- Report monthly to the AHHA Board by submitting minutes summary of committee meetings or status reports.
- Maintain minutes and documentation of all planning phases and projects implemented by the Amenities Committee.
- Prepare priorities lists and overview of how projects will be implemented including cost estimates and timelines.
- Prepare and submit to the Board for consideration; Amenities Committee budget recommendations for the following year no later than the October AHHA Board meeting.
- Work in harmony with the Maintenance Committee for planing and cost saving opportunities.
Tree Planting Policy for the Commons
Amenities Committee Protocols
Using the Tree Planting Policy this is the past procedure used:
- Committee submits number and cost for trees in their annual budget.
- Committee pre-selects the location for the proposed tree(s) to be planted. The decision on the type and location of the tree(s) is based on the Master Plan, the long range tree planting plan, and suggestions by the arborist, and infrastructure compatibility.
- Committee notifies Board. Stake is placed at approximate location.
- Each Board member sees the stake location prior to the Board meeting.
- The Board includes this item on their agenda at the next Board meeting. The Board votes either a preliminary approval or not for the location.
- If the location is approved, the Secretary puts out a notice (website) to the membership inviting comments to the Board. Comments are collected for two weeks.
- Provided there is no serious challenge to the location, the Committee proceeds with the tree planting.
2011 Commons Observation
In 2011 the Amenities Committee prepared a report for the Board on the condition and needs of the Commons to establish areas requiring maintenance. While the Commons is a place we can all enjoy and take pride in, it is a natural environment that presents ever changing challenges. Many of the challenges are reflected in the Commons Observation Summary 2011. The entire report is available below.