There is currently a lot happening in the Abiqua Heights community and the summer and fall promise more activity. The broken basketball backboard has been replaced by a new adjustable backboard that allows “roundballers “of all ages to play on the court. From the activity since its installation it would seem the new hoop is a success.
Last week Earth Engineers, Inc. (EEI) was in the Commons taking measurements and samples of the soil around and in the pond. The purpose of this work is to determine if the pond depth can be increased by excavating the current level of the pond. To reduce maintenance and improve the health of the pond the Board is considering all options to make the pond deeper. The report from EEI will hopefully be available by the June AHHA Board meeting.
The Board has passed onto the Amenities Committee the responsibility for developing a plan for the spillway for the upper pond to contain the flow of water created by the soon to be rerouted storm drain water from the Tillicum side of the Commons. The City will be rerouting the storm water during the summer and the AHHA needs a plan before they begin their work.
Earlier this year an ad hoc committee was formed to develop a plan to reforest the Commons. No white oak or douglas fir trees have been planted in the Commons since the Master Plan was developed and accepted as the model for the Commons. White oak and douglas fir are specifically part of the Master Plan. The committee presented its report to the Board in April and currently the report is being reviewed. If you would like to know more about this plan, please email the Board.
Recently another ad hoc committee has been formed to produce a manual for future board members to make the transition from board to board flow with more continuity. This committee is just being formed so if you have an interest and a few hours of your time, please consider volunteering for this important short term task.
The Board would like to thank Dave and Bette Stewart for their years of service on the Welcoming Committee and announce to the members that five energetic women have taken over the duties involved with greeting new neighbors.
The next Architectural Review Committee meeting will be June 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM. If you have construction plans or major landscaping changes please contact the ARC to make sure the approval process goes smoothly.
The AHHA Board will hold a Planning Meeting at the Silverton Senior Center on Tuesday May 31 at 7:00 PM. Planning meetings are open to the members but no actions or votes on motions will take place.
The regular June AHHA Board meeting will be June 9 at the Senior Center. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
The Board welcomes your concerns and comments so please feel free to make your thoughts known. Remember – the Board works for you.