To the members of the AHHA: Tomorrow 4/16/15 workers from Prograss will be spraying weeds in The Commons. They will be spraying Dimension, Roundup and Vista on the grass, beds and pathways.They are scheduled to begin at 8:00AM and should be finished by 11:00AM. They have requested that residents stay off the affected area until the application has dried.
In addition, requests were made at last nights Board meeting that parents ask their children to be careful about crossing the street. Recently there was nearly a tragedy when a child crossed without looking. There have also been incidents of children skateboarding in the street. Also, residents are reminded that the speed limit is 25 MPH.
Finally, residents should keep their pets on a leash and clean up their mess. It is not appreciated when dogs use lawns. If you have questions please contact Steve Barrett. The email address is