Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Silverton Senior Center
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Tony Helbling, at 7:00 p.m. Other board members present were Steve Barrett, David Danskey, Nikkie McIntire and Dave Paul. In addition there were 12 members of the association in attendance
Minutes for the Board of Directors Meeting held September 9, 2014 were approved as presented.
Treasurers Report
Sept 2014 Treasurer’s Report all items are self explanatory and will be posted on the association website.
Board Report
One resident was called upon regarding trash containers and weeds. A follow up letter was mailed.
Committee Reports
Minutes for the meeting of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for October were made available to the Board prior to the meeting. Next ARC meeting Date: November 10, 2014, 7:00 PM; at 1220 Skookum Drive. The Welcome Committee reported on the most recent call to new residents. It was also noted that new residents have moved into homes recently sold on Tillicum and Chee Chee. The Welcome Committee will follow up.
Unfinished Business
A. Pond restructuring and/or dredging. The ponds in the commons are being reviewed for depth of the silt build up. The Board is still considering the options previously presented and at the same time investigating the recommendation of some neighbors to explore the option of “dredging” the pond to increase depth. We expect the earliest this would occur would be next spring/summer.
B. Lunch table replacement. Steve made a motion to purchase a picnic table made with recycled plastic from Columbia Cascade Company with cost not to exceed $1200.00. The motion was seconded by Dave Paul and passed 3-2.
C. Reserve Study update. The Board has received a draft of the Reserve Study and Maintenance Plan update for 2015 for Abiqua HOA, which was prepared by Schwindt & Co. The Board has 90 days to review the draft and make corrections.
D. Board of Directors Nominees/ November elections. At the meeting the board accepted one petition of candidacy. The Board decided to extend the deadline for members to submit their Petition of Candidacy letter to Tuesday, October 28th.
E. Proposed 2015 Budget. Tony made a motion to accept the proposed 2015 budget to be emailed to members for comment. The motion was seconded by Nikkie and unanimously approved. A cover letter will be added.
F. Redwood tree planting. The replacement tree will be planted in the commons on Friday October 24 between 12:00 and 1:00. Steve Barrett will be present to coordinate the planting by Big Trees.
New Business
A. Motorized Vehicle approval for crossing the commons. Residents at 660 Shelokum filed a letter requesting premission of the board to allow a truck loaded with dirt to cross over the commons inorder to deliver dirt to their back yard. In accordance with Rule 07-03 the Board temporarily exempted the homeowner from this rule by Board members being polled for approval, such action must be announced at the next scheduled meeting (October) and reflected in the minutes.
B. Storage Unit – file cabinet gifts & shelving. The storage unit has been completely reorganized with the addition of three contributed file cabinets and shelving purchased by the association at a cost of $158.99. This was money set aside for the purchase of a file cabinet. A key needs to be made by code for one of the file cabinets at of cost of $15. We will be receiving one more two-drawer file cabinet.
C. HOA management. As the expectations of the board continue to grow in the areas of accounting, maintenance supervision, record keeping, processing incoming and outgoing mail, CC&R compliance, prepare and mail billing statements, dues collection, etc. to just to name a few tasks and as a result the board is recommending the hiring of a HOA management company. The Bylaws indicate that the board has the authority to employ a manager, an independent contractor or such other employees or agents as it deems necessary and to prescribe their duties. Management companies offer a range of services from “Accounting-Only” style contracts up to “All-Inclusive” style contracts that include the vast majority of standard services for a fixed rate. They also offer “a la carte”, menu-driven contracts, and hourly based contracts. This vast array of options really allows HOAs more latitude and control over their management expenses. The board contracts the management company and directs the duties they perform.
D. Street trees. Requests for a waiver to not have a street tree. It is the ARC’s decision that these requests should be directed to the City. This is an item in the Silverton city code and homeowners are requested to get the city’s approval and submit it to ARC so it can be recorded in the lot book for future reference.
Adjournment at 8:45 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 18, 7:00 pm
Location: Silverton Senior Center
Board Planning meeting
Respectfully Submitted
Dave Paul
Board approved: