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Abiqua Heights Homeowner’s Association

Draft Minutes (revised) – March 10, 2016

Board Meeting

Silverton Senior Center: 115 Westfield St. Silverton OR 97381

Board Members Present: Steve Barrett – President, Todd Ferrell — Secretary, Wayne Trucke — Treasurer, David Ortega – Director

Board Members Absent: Mike Schwingel — Director

7:00 PM: OPENING OF MEETING: The City of Silverton’s representative scheduled to attend failed to appear. A short update on efforts to eliminate the flooding issues in Abiqua Heights
and potential changes to the pond followed. It was noted that easement access was needed for the City to alter the inflow into the upper pond. Mike Schwingel is pursuing professional assistance to locate the rock bed and silt layers beneath the large pond.

OPEN MEMBERSHIP DISCUSSION: There were no comments from the members.

1. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: There was a motion to accept the minutes of the last board meeting of February 15, 2016 and the minutes from the meeting with the City on February 17 th.
The motion (Todd) was seconded (Wayne) and passed 4-0.

2. FINANCIAL REPORTING AND REVIEW: There was a brief update from Wayne on the finances with the account balances provided. The property manager explained how the monthly reports would also include the year to date budget information starting next month so that expenses could be tracked each month. The Affinity Group representative reported about five homeowners had dues outstanding and they would be sending a late notice to those members.

The Board requested that the Affinity Group should forward $7,000.00 from there operating account into the Reserve Account as legally required.


Operating Account: $ 2919.48
Operating Reserve Account: $39,050.42
Reserve Account: $56,683.32
Cert. of Deposit: $ 3,372.74
Cert. of Deposit: $ 3,372.74
Operating Account: $41,187.52 (Affinity)
Total Funds $146,586.22

3. BOARD REPORT: The Board reported that the mole activity on the berm had been eliminated and that traps on the hillside had been removed. Additionally an Incident Report concerning trailers had been resolved.

The Board assigned the task of updating AHHA corporate filings with the State of Oregon to the Affinity Group.


ARC Committee reported a normal meeting with minutes sent to the Board.

David Ortega and Steve Barrett proposed the following standing committees, ARC, Welcoming, and Amenities. A motion (David) was made, seconded (Wayne) and passed (4-0) to accept the members nominated at the February 15 th meeting with the addition of Karen Trucke and Jack Connors to the Amenities Committee.


The Board approved (4 – 0) a motion (Wayne) to tentatively schedule a planning meeting for April 7, 2016 at the Senior Center to better establish protocol and specific roles for Board

In order to move the process of replacing the broken basketball equipment along, a motion (David) was made, seconded (Wayne), and passed (3-0, one abstention) to secure two written bids and then proceed with the replacement of the basketball backboard with a maximum cost of $3,000.00 to be paid with funds from the Reserve Account.

A motion (Wayne) was made, seconded (Todd), and passed (3-1, Steve voting nay) to have a time certain Executive Session at the April 14, 2016 AHHA meeting to review and discuss the contract between the Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association and the Affinity Group.

There was brief discussion regarding the need for painting of some of the handrails as we get into warm, dry weather.

Next Meeting: Scheduled for Thursday, April 14, 2016, 7:00 PM.

8:50: Adjournment

Todd Ferrell
AHHA Secretary