Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Tony Helbling, at 6:30 p.m. Other board members present were Steve Barrett, David Danskey, and Nikkie McIntire. Dave Paul was absent.
David made a motion for the Board to adjourn into executive session to discuss legal counsel issues regarding declarancy. The motion was seconded by Tony and unanimously approved. At 7:00 p.m. Tony called the regular meeting of the Board back to order. (This action is taken in accordance with ORS 94.640 (7)(a) The Board may close the meeting to owners and meet in executive session to: Consult with legal counsel, and consider personnel matters, negotiate contracts and collection of unpaid assessments.) There were five additional Association members present at the regular meeting session.
Minutes for the Board of Directors Meeting held May 13, 2014 were approved as presented.
Open Membership Session
A member expressed concern about the broken board on top of the lunch table by the playground. The paint is chipped on the hand rail down to Chee Chee Court and weeds next to the stair case.
Treasurers Report
David reported he contacted Big Tree. Best planting time is Oct thru May. Outside of those times requires a larger root ball and increased expense. I am suggesting October. 20% down will secure a planting date.
- $3,000 for Commons modifications project.
- $104 for Legal
- $1350 to $1650 for tree planted in the commons. $400 will be paid this month towards a tree to secure a planting date.
- Approximately $600 is due to the Storage Depot by Aug 1st for the Association storage room.
- ProGrass billing for May has not been received as of today.
Committee Reports
Minutes for the June meeting of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) were made available to the Board prior to the meeting. The committee would welcome receiving additional members to the committee. If any of the AHHA members would be willing to serve please contact Carol Anderson or a Board member. Next ARC meeting Date: July 14, 2014, 7:00 PM; at 585 Shelokum Drive
Unfinished Business
- Commons Maintenance progress report: Tony has spoken to Prograss and they will start the maintenance of both sides of the stair case from Shelokum down to Chee Chee. Prograss will be requested to take a look at the wood chip level in the play ground to determine if it meets state safety standards.
- Dam leak between small and large pond: This problem has been corrected by Prograss.
- Engineer design plans for proposed pond restructuring: The Board will be presenting the design plans to the Association members at the Board of Directors meeting in July which will be held in the Commons. There is a concern about the lower grading extends to far into the ball field. Project Delivery Group (PDG) will be asked to make adjustments to its present grade design.
- July meeting plans: The meeting date for July has been changed to Tuesday July 15th at 7:00PM in the commons (please bring chairs).
New Business
- Reserve study update: David Danskey believes that the Board needs to consider updating the Reserve Study. Steve made a motion to have Schwindt and Company to complete a Level III update of Abiqua Heights Reserve Study and Maintenance Plan at a cost of $500.00. The motion was seconded by Tony and unanimously approved.
- Action taken as a result of the Executive session. RESOLUTION regarding Declarant and the Abiqua Heights Subdivision: Board by this Resolution recognizes Abiqua Homes LLC as the Declarant of their remaining vacant lots in Abiqua Heights Subdivision Phase III. This Resolution is consistent with the advice and recommendation of the Association’s attorney regarding “presumptive” transfer of the Declarant Rights in accordance with ORS Chapter 94 (94.623). Motion to adopt Resolution made by: Tony Helbling; Second by: Steve Barrett. The motion was unanimously approved.
Adjournment at 8:35 p.m.
Next Meeting: July 15, 7:00 pm
AHHA Commons (please bring chairs)
Board Planning meeting
Respectfully Submitted
/s/ Nikkie McIntire
Nikkie McIntire
Board approved:
Attachment: Declarant Resolution