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Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:00PM

Silverton Senior Center at 115 Westfield Street
(Per the Senior Center, age is not a factor for attendance)

Call to Order – roll call

Executive Session at 6:30 PM
Board meeting at 7:00 PM

The meeting will start at 6:30 pm in order for the Board to meet in executive session.
Topic: To discuss legal counsel issues regarding declarancy. Upon completion of the executive session, the Board shall reconvene the open session.


Open membership session – 15 minutes

Treasurers Report

Board Report

Committee Reports

Unfinished Business (30 min)

A. Commons Maintenance progress report (ProGrass)
Need for ProGrass to maintain both sides of staircase down to Chee Chee

B. Dam leak between small and large pond

C. Engineer design plans for proposed pond restructuring and flow of run off water to the pond progress report

D. July meeting plans

New Business (30 – 45 min)

A. Reserve study update

B. Declarant

C. Fireworks in the commons


Next Meeting: July 8, 7:00 pm
Location: Silverton Senior Center

Board Planning meeting