Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
At the Commons
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Tony Helbling, at 7:00 p.m. Other board members present were Steve Barrett, David Danskey, and Nikkie McIntire. Dave Paul was absent.
Minutes for the Board of Directors Meeting held June 10, 2014 were approved as presented.
Open Membership Session
A member expressed concern regarding a resident who is releasing his dog in the commons. Resident will receive a letter from the board.
Treasurers Report
- Miscellaneous Income of $10.00 is a return of safe deposit box key security deposit not required by the Bank.
- Contingency of $400 is for the down payment of commons tree to secure a planting date in the fall.
- Reserve expenses of $1,990.00 to repair the pond aerations system.
- Funds in the amount of $1,990.00 have not been transferred from the Reserve Savings to Operating Checking to cover the cost of repairing the aerators and were therefore shown as an expense on page 2 under Operating Checking. Next month will show the transfer of funds if account assignment is approved at meeting.
Board Report
The board received a request from a member for the past 8 months of ARC minutes. Documents were made available for inspection 30 minutes prior to monthly meeting July 15, 2014. The member did not
show for the inspections of ARC minutes.
ProGrass has started the work on the weeds next to the staircase down to Chee Chee.
Committee Reports
Minutes for the June meeting of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) were made available to the Board prior to the meeting. The committee would welcome receiving additional members to the committee. If any of the AHHA members would be willing to serve please contact Carol Anderson or a Board member. Next ARC
meeting Date: August 11, 2014, 7:00 PM; at 535 Tillicum Drive.
Unfinished Business
A. Engineer design plans for proposed pond restructuring and flow of run off water to the pond presentation: Project Delivery Group (PDG) gave a presentation regarding the design plans to the
Board of Directors and members present. During the discussion period members suggested that it is important to determine what the sub strata rock level is, and knowing this would help guide which
direction the project takes. For example, we may simply excavate out the big pond to acquire the desired depth. We are going to explore dredging/excavating the pond basin low enough to help resolve the algae problem while maintaining enough of the natural “liner” above the bed rock to prevent undermining the berm.
B. Commons Maintenance progress report: Prograss has now started the maintenance of both sides of the stair case from Shelokum down to Chee Chee.
C. Lunch Table Replacement Board agreed to replace the table near the playground and will check on the price for a replacement table.
New Business
A. Reserve study update: Schwindt and Company to complete a Level III update of Abiqua Heights Reserve Study and Maintenance Plan at a cost of $500.00.
B. Other: Insurance Renewal
- Crime & Fidelity coverage: $236
- Directors & Officers Liability: $125
- General Liability: $700
- Offer to add Certified acts of Terrorism
- Total for the first 3 policies is $1,061.
The coverage period is from Sep 20, 2014 to Sep 20, 2015. The current renewal is a $7 increase over the previous policy. Budgeted amount is $1,100. This will be an action item for the next meeting.
Adjournment at 8:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: September 9, 7:00 pm
Location: Silverton Senior Center
Board Planning meeting
Respectfully Submitted
/s/ Nikkie McIntire
Nikkie McIntire
Board approved: