Abiqua Heights Homeowner’s Association
Draft Minutes – February 15, 2016
Board Meeting
Silverton Senior Center: 115 Westfield St. Silverton OR 97381
Board Members Present: Steve Barrett – President, Todd Ferrell – Secretary, Wayne Trucke – Treasurer, Mike Schwingel – Director, David Ortega – Director
OPEN MEMBERSHIP DISCUSSION: There were no new homeowner issues brought up for
1. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: There was a motion to accept the minutes of the last board meeting of January 21, 2016 with the correction of adding the wording that each motion was seconded and also to accept the minutes of the executive session of January 29th. The motion was seconded and passed.
2. FINANCIAL REPORTING AND REVIEW: There was a brief update from Wayne on the finances with the account balances provided. The property manager explained how the monthly reports would also include the year to date budget information starting next month so that expenses could be tracked each month. There was also discussion of the homeowners who have not yet paid the annual dues are to receive another billing from the property manager.
Operating Account: $ 2,915.87
Reserve Account: $39,050.09
Reserve Account: $58,682.82
Cert. of Deposit: $ 3,371.72
Cert. of Deposit: $ 3,371.72
Operating Account: $27,506.24 (Affinity)
Total Funds ……….. $134,898.46
Nominate Committee Members: There was discussion of the need for more committee members to assist the board. Todd Ferrell and Mike Schwingel both nominated the names of several homeowners who are interested in volunteering. The names suggested for board consideration by the time of the next meeting are: Welcoming Committee: Laurie Rosborough, Naseem Rakha, Shelly Nealon, Margaret Tingwall, Joan Nelson. Amenities : Bud Stewart, Robyn Bringans, Larry Tingwall, Roger Tallman, Mike Schwingel. Margaret Tingwall was nominated for the ARC. An ad hoc Reforestation Committee was also named with committee members, Richard Meganck, Jan Meganck, Laurie Rosborough, Shelly Nealon, Naseem Rakha, Robyn Bringans, and Todd Ferrell.
Additional Committees: Steve Barrett and David Ortega were assigned to review the needs for other committees and members.
Welcome Committee: No current members.
ARC Committee: David Stewart mentioned that there were a few minor house plans approved since the last board meeting.
Webmaster Access: There was brief discussion of the need to have board members involved with communicating to the webmaster (Weston) of documents to add or any changes that would need to be made with the Abiqua website. There was consensus that Steve Barrett and Todd Ferrell would be the two designated for this.
A motion was made and passed to establish the second Thursday of the month for AHHA Board meetings after the March meeting.
A motion was made and passed mandating that draft minutes be available two weeks after a
Retention Pond Discussion: Mike Schwingel: There was a brief update from Mike. He explained that if there was more depth to the pond then it would improve water quality and that we are still waiting on more information from the City (Paul Eckley).
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board went into Executive session (8:00 PM) to discuss contracts with Prograss and Earthworks and when returning (8:32 PM) to the general session the following items were addressed.
Evaluate Prograss Revised Contract: There was a motion seconded and passed to have Prograss do an initial clean up with a cost of $960.
Evaluate Earthworks Contract: There was a motion which was seconded and passed approving items 1 -5 from the proposed contract with Earthworks for pond maintenance with minor revisions to the cost per hour of labor.
Next Meeting: Scheduled for Thursday, March 10th, 7 PM.
8:53: Adjournment
Todd Ferrell
AHHA Secretary