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Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association

Board of Directors / Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Silverton Senior Center

Call to Order – roll call

  • Meeting was called to order by Steve Barrett, at 19:30. Other board members present were Nikkie McIntire and Darren Von Flue. 14 members signed in attendance.

Minutes Passed 3 – 0

  • Minutes for the Board of Directors held in January, 2015 were approved as presented.

Open Membership Session

  • Several opinions regarding management companies were voiced.
  • One member suggested that our meetings be recorded. President Barrett reported that the subject was brought up in the past. The board at that time was advised against doing so by legal counsel.

Treasurers Report Passed 3 – 0

  • Nikkie reported that 2 checks had been paid out (pge & pro-grass).
  • 49 lots have not paid their yearly dues. Deadline for payment is March 1st.
  • Dave Danskey passed out a spreadsheet “Budget vs. Actual Income and Expense.”

Board Report

  • Park table has arrived.

Committee Reports

  • ARC – Deer fence was accepted.
  • Lot 24 is waiting on the city for direction regarding their street tree.
  • A member recommended all new street trees have “deep watering pipes” installed at the time of planting.
  • ARC – Next meeting scheduled for March 9th at the Andersons.
  • Welcoming Committee – N/A

Unfinished Business

  • HOA Management Search:
    1. Invest West – Changed their bid hours before the meeting and were asked not to come.
    2. Affinity Group is the only company left out of those originally contacted by the past board that is still under consideration. A copy of their contract was handed out to board members for perusal.
    3. Steve Barrette reported that he would expand the list of companies and do some further research.
    4. The board may need an executive session in the future to discuss management company needs.
    5. Any final decisions would be made in open session.

New Business

  • Darren Von Flue – “Motion to amend the 2015 budget as follows: Move $500 from Contingency to Events Committee.  The budget 2015 for Contingency will be $577 and Events Committee $500.” Passed 3 – 0
    1. This money could be used by a committee or by individual community members for community related activities/events.
  • What should we do / if anything with the pond?
  • Should a volunteer request be put out to the community for the purpose of bringing back several committees? I.e.: Amenities, Events, Maintenance…
  • Steve took about 15 minutes to address concerns about hiring a management company. An email was sent to the board prior to the meeting by a community member. The email listed multiple areas of concern. Steve, gave a brief description of each area of concern and his response or thoughts regarding that area.

Next Meeting

  • Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday March 10th at 19:00
  • Location: Silverton Senior Center