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Board Planning Meeting Minutes

Silverton Senior Center
April 7, 2016

On April 7, 2016, The AHHA Board held a planning meeting at the Silverton Senior Center. All AHHA Board members were present, Steve Barrett, Todd Ferrell, Wayne Trucke, David Ortega, and Mike Schwingel. No members of the community attended.

Steve Barrett announced that Paul Eckley from the City of Silverton would attend the April 14 regular AHHA Board meeting with the time of his presentation TBD. Mr. Eckley will discuss the City’s effort to eliminate flooding in the neighborhood and the re-routing of the inflow pipe into the upper pond in the Commons. It was noted the project has been entered into the 2016-17 Silverton city budget for

The remainder of the meeting dealt with organizational issues involving Board members with committees and Board members with task areas involving vendors.

David Ortega was charged with creating a protocol for AHHA Board members to be non-voting liaisons with the Association’s standing committees.

In the effort to streamline the chain of command between the Board and vendors the following Board member assignments were made:

  • Earthworks and the pond – Mike Schwingel, Steve Barrett
  • Prograss and the Commons – Todd Ferrell, David Ortega
  • Affinity and general management issues – Steve Barrett, Wayne Trucke
  • Legal issues – Steve Barrett
  • Website – Todd Ferrell, Wayne Trucke
  • Mountain View and the trees – Todd Ferrell

There was also a general discussion of developing an ongoing task list for Board members to help make the transition from one AHHA Board to the next a smoother process.

The need for a newsletter was also discussed.

No motions were made and no votes were taken.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Todd Ferrell
AHHA Secretary