April, 2016

April has arrived and the community becomes more active with the warmer weather and longer days.

The City made its presentation to the AHHA at the April meeting that hopes to control the water inflow issues into the pond and at least partially resolve the flooding issues that occur during heavy rains on Tillicum, Chikamin, and Chee Chee. If all goes as planned work will be done this summer. Plans include routing the storm water from Tillicum into the upper pond by way of a small spillway to disperse the flow of water. A pdf of the City’s plan is provided.

The Reforestation Committee submitted its report for consideration by the Board and the community at large. The plan is a robust proposal that would ensure the presence of old forest trees for generations to come.

The maintenance of the Commons and the pond by way of the “menu” contract with Prograss for the last couple of years was only partially successful and changes are being made. Prograss will be responsible for the Commons and Earthworks will be contracted for the maintenance and health of the pond. The need for new contracts and gaining a regular schedule of work with the two vendors has been challenging. Both Prograss and Earthworks will be on the job very soon.

No matter what maintenance is performed on the pond the only real option to make the pond substantially healthier and aesthetically more pleasing is to make it deeper. To that end the Board has contracted to explore the depth of the bedrock below the pond by probing (drilling) into the soil. The Board seeks to excavate the pond if the report is encouraging.

The replacement basketball hoop is on site and should be available shortly.

The revitalized Amenities Committee and the new members of the Welcoming Committee have held meetings and are continuing with the work done by the committees in the past. The Architectural Review Committee meets each month on the first Monday of the month. If you have plans for work make sure you contact the ARC as soon as possible to get your project started. The next meeting is Monday, May 2.

Lastly, as much as many in the community enjoy their pets there are many that do not have pets. More than likely if you do not have a cat or a dog it is because you do not choose to have one and certainly you do not want someone else’s. No one wants to clean-up after a neighbor’s dog or cat, please be considerate of those that live nearby.

The next open AHHA Board meeting will be May 12, 2016, 7:00 PM at the Silverton Senior Center.

The Board welcomes your concerns and comments so please feel free to make your thoughts known. Remember–the Board works for you.

City Proposal to Fix Inflow