Abiqua Heights Homeowners Association

Planning Meeting Minutes

Silverton Senior Center

May 31, 2016

The AHHA Board Planning meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.  All Board members attended. No votes were taken.

The following items were discussed:

  • Mike Schwingel gave an update with the pond improvement project. The Board is waiting for the report from EEI while starting to make contact with contractors for bids on excavating the pond. No action beyond requesting bids has transpired.
  • The City’s plan to change the inflow of storm water into the upper pond was discussed in regards to a potential spillway that would both be attractive and beneficial to the aeration of the upper pond.
  • David Ortega gave an update as to the status of the committee to develop a manual for future board members in detailing their duties and a protocol of action.
  • Commons’ maintenance was discussed to explain the constraints on maintenance by the budgeted funds.
  • The Reforestation Project was discussed.
  • The Board recognized the need to deal with a dying/dead fir tree.
  • The Board planned to add an Executive Session to the next meeting on June 9 to deal with a contract.
  • Inconsistencies with documents on the website were noted and set to be corrected.
  • The board members discussed in general terms the burn of an abandoned house near the development, a specific homeowner’s request for an in ground swimming pool, and the cleanup of a vacant lot.
  • The Secretary requested that signed amended (if necessary) minutes be provided for the AHHA’s permanent business records.


Todd Ferrell

AHHA Secretary