May 12, 2016


Silverton Senior Center: 115 Westfield St. Silverton OR 97381

Board Members Present: Steve Barrett–President, Todd Ferrell, Secretary, Wayne Trucke, Treasurer, Mike Schwingel—Director, David Ortega—Director



Open Membership Discussion: There were no new homeowner issues mentioned.



The minutes of the last meeting, April 14th were provided for acceptance.

There was a motion passed to accept the minutes with one addition, to also list the acceptance of the April 7th planning meeting minutes.




     Wayne gave an overview of the finances and reported on the   account balances.

March 31, 2016 Balances:

  • Operating Account: $ 4,226.48
  • Operating Savings: $39,051.11
  • Reserve Account: $62,685.41
  • Cert. of Deposit: $ 3,370.56
  • Cert. of Deposit: $ 3,370.56
  • Operating Account: $38,514.55 (Affinity)

Total Funds ………….. $151,218.67

As a follow up issue from the last meeting the property manager mentioned that the insurance was paid in full since the last meeting to avoid the monthly service fee as pointed out by Todd Ferrell.



Welcome Committee: There was mention that three new families who were welcomed to the community since the last meeting. There are also two home purchases in escrow at this time.

 ARC Committee: Carol mentioned that the next ARC meeting for the group is to be held on Monday, June 6th. There was discussion of the need to clarify the policy for reserving the commons area when groups of people are involved. Homeowners that are bringing in groups that are not considered relatives should contact the board in advance to request approval.

 Amenities Committee: Karen mentioned that the next meeting is to be held Wednesday, June 1st. There was discussion of the spillway and the need for a plan to have proper digging and maintenance of the retention pond. There was a motion from Wayne, seconded by Todd and passed by consensus that the committee develop a plan for board consideration.

Reforestation Committee Report: There was brief discussion of the preference to have Richard, who wrote the plan to attend an upcoming meeting so that we can discuss with him. The biggest concern expressed by those in attendance is that the plan calls for many more deciduous trees that would produce a lot of leaves. This could create more maintenance with the extra clean up of leaves each year. The plan was tabled for now until we can have a meeting with Richard in attendance to fully discuss any concerns.



Web Site: There was discussion of the need for monthly updating of the website. Weston is phasing out his involvement. There was a motion by Wayne and seconded by David and passed that Todd be the one to perform this function of updating the website each month and seek assistance from Weston if necessary.

Role of Board Members on Committees: David gave an overview of a manual of operations that he has put together. The purpose of the manual is to have consistent procedures to follow for the issues that come up each month and each year. This comprehensive approach will be the type of manual that can be provided to future boards as time goes on. The intention is that it be a foundation that can be fine tuned both now and in the future.

There was a motion as listed below and presented from David, seconded by Wayne and passed by consensus:

Motion is made to appointment of an Ad Hoc committee to prepare and submit for Board review and approval of an Administrative Policy and Procedures Manual that will cover the following major areas:

  •  Board organization and membership
  • Board operations
  • Strategic planning documents

The manual will include essential documents such as:

  • Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
  • Oregon Statutes for Planned Communities
  • C.C. & R.’s
  • Etc.

A preliminary draft of the Manual shall be submitted for review in July.


Lot 137 Variance Request (1.5 Inch Variance):

There was discussion of an owner request that had been submitted recently which was related to a 1.5 inch variance. There a motion from Wayne, seconded by Todd and passed to allow the variance. Steve Barrett, President would follow up with notifying the homeowner.

 9:38 Adjournment

 Next Meeting: June 9, 2016

Respectfully Submitted,

Tim Benintendi

Affinity Group Inc. Property Manager, Broker